Block Pallet – A type of pallet with blocks between the pallet decks or underneath the top deck
Bottom Deck – Assembly of deckboards that makes up the lower, doctor prostate load-bearing surface of the pallet
Chamfered Deckboards – Deckboards with edges of one or two faces beveled, try either along the full or specified length of board or between the stringers of blocks, cialis allowing easier entry of pallet jack wheels
Collar – Collapsible wooden container which transforms a pallet into a box
Deck – One or more boards or panels that make up the top or bottom surface of the pallet
Deckboard – Element or part of a pallet deck, oriented perpendicular to the stringer or stringerboard
Double-Face Pallet – A pallet with top and bottom decks
Double-Wing Pallet – A pallet with top and bottom deckboards extending beyond the edges of the stringers or stringerboards
Expendable Pallet – A pallet intended for a series of handlings during a single trip from shipper to receiver; it is then disposed; see Shipping Pallet
Flush Pallet – A pallet with deckboards flush with the stringers, stringerboards or blocks along the sides of the pallet
Fork Entry – Opening between decks, beneath the top deck or beneath the stringer notch to admit forks
Four-Way Block Pallet – A pallet with openings at both pallet ends and along pallet sides sufficient to admit pallet jacks; full four-way entry pallet
Hardwood – Wood from broad-leaved species of trees (not necessarily hard or dense)
Inner Deckboard – Any deckboard located between the end deckboards
Length – Refers to the stringer or stringerboard (in block pallets) length; also refers to the first dimension given to describe a pallet i.e., 48″ x 40″, where 48″ is the pallet stringer/stringerboard length
National Wooden Pallet and Container Association – A national association with the goal of promoting the design, manufacture, distribution, recycling, and sale of pallets, containers, and reels
Non-Reversible Pallet – A pallet with bottom deckboard configuration different from top deck
Notch – Cutout in lower portion of the stringer to allow entry for the fork tine, usually 9″ in length, 1 1/2″ in depth
Notched Stringer – A stringer with two notches spaced for fork-tine entry, (partial four-way entry)
Pallet – A portable, horizontal, stiff platform used as a base for assembling, storing, stacking, handling and transporting goods as a unit load, often equipped with a superstructure
Pallet Design System – (PDS) – Reliability-based computer-aided design (CAD) program for determining the safe load-carrying capacity, performance, life and economy of wooden pallets
Pallet Dimensions – When specifying pallet size, the stringer or stringerboard (block pallet) length is always expressed first; for example, a 48″ x 40″ pallet has a 48″ stringer or stringerboard and 40″ deckboards
Partial Four-Way Stringer Pallet – A pallet with notched stringers
Post Pallet – A pallet fitted with posts or blocks between the decks or beneath the top deck; see block pallet
Repair – To remake in order to use again
Recycling – A pallet, container or reel that has been used, discarded, salvaged, repaired and which passes through a cycle again
Returnable/Reusable Pallet – A pallet designed to be used for more than one trip
Reversible Pallet – A pallet with identical top and bottom decks
Shipping Pallet – Pallet designed to be used for a single one-way trip from shipper to receiver; it is then disposed; see Expendable Pallet
Single-Wing Pallet – A pallet with the top deckboards extending beyond the edges of the stringers or stringerboards with the bottom deckboards flush (if present)
Skid – A pallet having no bottom deck
Softwood – Wood from coniferous or needle-bearing trees (not necessarily soft or low density)
Solid Deck Pallet – A pallet constructed with no spacing between deckboards
Strap Slot – Recess or cutout on the upper edge of the stringer or the bottom of the top deckboard to allow tie-down of a unit load to the pallet deck with strapping/banding, also called the banding notch
Strapping – Thin flat bands used to secure load to pallet
Stringer – Continuous, longitudinal, solid or notched beam-component of the pallet used to support deck components, often identified by location as the outside or center stringer
Top Cap – Panel to be placed on top of a unit load to allow for tight strapping without damaging the unit load
Top-Deck of the Pallet – The assembly of deckboards comprising the upper load-carrying surface of the pallet
Two-Way Entry Pallet – A pallet with un-notched solid stringers allowing entry only from the ends
Warehouse Pallet – A double-face, multiple-trip, returnable pallet intended for general warehouse use
Wing – Overhang of deckboard end from outside edge of stringer or stringerboard